Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I'm okay...

( it took me some time to remember what's the account for this long forgotten blog addess is lol )

i told myself that i've moved on
to a new chapter in my life...

and whatever happened in the past remains as memories we treasure and visit once in a while...

yet i catch myself clicking on your blog now and then,

hoping for a glimpse, hint or a small mention of me...
so that i know you're still thinking of me...

indeed distance has really took its toll...

how one moment we were as close as an inseparable golden couple, ready to take on the world

and next thing we know, you were boarding the gate and left me alone here in KL

time seems to pass by so quickly...
it has been two years huh

every time my birthday comes about, it reminds me of that one fine evening...

don't worry im not blaming you for it...
no one is at fault...

you were pursuing your dream and future...
it's not selfish
it's the right thing to do...

yes, i could have asked you to stay, or even beg 

and we might still be together, celebrating our "fourth" year anniversary and goodness how many monthlyversary...

remember that? lol

im happy you found someone...
i really am...

at least i know he'll be able to give you somethings that i can't

and i would like to apologies...
we were not the perfect couple....
i mean yeah, those ridiculous fights we had...
i have to say my temper was really bad...
and you were the victim,
though you stayed on, didn't leave..
put up with it...

all the princess merajukness...

gosh i was such an asshole lol

but now i've changed...

i know that it was bad to treat someone like that...
and i promised myself i shall never ever abuse someone like that...

it's just not right...

( ok fine, it's not really abuse, but hey i always over exaggerate stuff =p )


im doing good,
a lot of things have happen since you left...


dont think we can cover everything with one sitting in mcds with chocolate sundaes lol

i do miss you..

at times...

i wonder how are you like right now...

well no regrets right =)

only forward from now...

and who knows...

our path might cross again in the future...

be strong
be happy 
always love unconditionally


yours truly